
Archive for March, 2021

Dynamics Marketing, three things every template needs

March 16th, 2021 DynamicsMSCRM No comments

1. Place this meta tag within the HTML of the email template bracketed by < > MORE INFO

meta name=”referrer” content=”never”

2. The email template requires both tags to be pasted somewhere within the template, generally the bottom. The first one will display the address of the business sending or in regards to the email. The second one is for the Subscription Center, also required. The Subscription Center Tag can be set as a hyperlink as the example below shows.



Subscription Center

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Dynamics 365 Missing Edit Button on Views

March 11th, 2021 DynamicsMSCRM No comments

Within the Dynamics 365 Unified Interface some buttons are missing on the menu including the Edit button on Views. To enable the edit buttons for views, including multiselect, follow the steps below.

There is a simple Setting that needs to be done to make the buttons visible in UCI. For that follow the below steps.

Navigate to Settings–>Administration–>General
Check the box Enable embedding of certain legacy dialogs in Unified Interface browser client as Yes.

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