Failure: Entity-Entity: This attribute map is invalid. A valid attribute map must meet these requirements: -	The data type must match. -	The length of the target attribute cannot be shorter than the source attribute. -	The format should match. -	The target attribute must not be used in another mapping. -	The source attribute must be visible on the entity form. -	The target attribute must be a field a user can enter data into. -	Address ID values cannot be mapped.
This can be a number of thing however, in my case it was attributes that were mapped differently than expected. To resolve it I had to open the Customization XML file and review the mappings there were bring created, comparing then to the CRM instance. By then deleting the inconsistant ones on the tenant the XML file then imported correctly.
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Redeploying large databases can take a lot of time, I generally estimate 1 hour per gig of database size which has turned out to be a reasonable number. For example the most recent redeployment was 10 gig and took between 9 and 12 hours over the course of 3 re-deployments for testing and otherwise. However, with the larger databases you can run into server limitation which has resulted in KB 2003564. Its important to note that once the database has been redeployed some of the settings within the KB will need to be reversed, this is outlined within the article.
KB 2003564 Description
When you import a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 organization, you may experience a timeout or a hang in the MMC console window hosting the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Deployment Manager.
The Microsoft CRM Deployment Manager window may show up as a white screen during this time and Windows Task Manager will show the program “Deployment Manager” as “Not Responding”. This may even happen if you have increased the OLEDBTimeout setting for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 to a value greater than when the error was experienced.
If you enable platform tracing, using the steps in KB 907490, How to enable tracing in Microsoft Dynamics CRM,;EN-US;907490 , you will see an error like the following in the platform trace files (Note that the default log for Importing an organization will be located by default in the %appdata%\Microsoft\MSCRM\Logs\Import.log file for the user who installed Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0.
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