
Archive for August, 2014

MS CRM 2013 Performance: Form\View Load Analyzer

August 20th, 2014 DynamicsMSCRM Comments off

With the release of Service Pack 1 for Dynamics CRM 2013 Microsoft has introduced an analyzer to track performance on CRM form Loads. To take advantage of this feature open a form on CRM and then using your keyboard select Ctrl + Shift + Q to view the performance analyzer. To activate this utility choose Enable on the utility and then using F5 refresh your CRM form, the utility will close, normal behavior.

Once the form has refreshed select Ctrl + Shift + Q again, this time the utility will display showing the performance of the form load.

Some items of note when using this utility.
- Probably a good idea to Disable the Utility when not in use, only Enable when needed
- It appears to only work with IE
- It will work with CRM Online and appears to work on CRM On Premise as well but some have had issues, maybe browser choice.
- This is not restricted to Forms, it will work on Views as well.

In addition to the graphical view of the load performance you can Copy the stats for a more detailed exam. Included is a sample showing some of the parameter, this captures more rows of data but I have limited the output due to blog realestate.

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Categories: 2013, Forms, Performance, Views Tags:

MSCRM 2013 Data Encryption

August 18th, 2014 DynamicsMSCRM Comments off

Data Security is the prime aspect across the world. As we are storing all our data into the CRM, we need to keep our sensitive data in Encrypted format for the security reasons. Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 uses standard Microsoft SQL Server cell level encryption for a set of default entity attributes that contain sensitive information, such as user names and email passwords.


- Uses FIPS 140-2 Encryption Standard

- prevents a database administrator from accessing encrypted data

- SQL Server cell level encryption


- Used to store Email and Password when working with CRM and Microsoft Exchange

- Yammer Integration


- data encryption is not active in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 on-premises by default but users who have the system administrator security role can activate data encryption

- After data encryption is activated, it cannot be turn off but you can change the encryption key if required.

- Data Encryption cannot be applied on the custom fields. Currently it is only available on the out of the box password fields.

- Auditing cannot be enabled on encrypted fields

- Encrypted fields cannot be customized

- Encrypted fields cannot be indexed

- When doing a retrieve of an encrypted field’s value, a null is returned

- SSL is required to use messages

To activate data encryption or change the encryption key you need to navigate to the Settings -> Data Management -> Data Encryption area. Please note that user having System Administrator role can only activate Data Encryption or change the Data Encryption Key.

1) IsDataEncryptionActiveRequest: This request checks whether Data Encryption in Activated or not.

IsDataEncryptionActiveRequest request = new IsDataEncryptionActiveRequest();

IsDataEncryptionActiveResponse response = (IsDataEncryptionActiveResponse)service.Execute(request);

bool isDataEncryptionActive = response.IsActive;

2) SetDataEncryptionKeyRequest: This request helps to change the Data Encryption key. You just need to set the new encryption key in the Encryption Key property which will set the new encryption key.

SetDataEncryptionKeyRequest request = new SetDataEncryptionKeyRequest();

request.ChangeEncryptionKey = true;

request.EncryptionKey = “YOUR_ENCRYPTION_KEY”;

SetDataEncryptionKeyResponse response = (SetDataEncryptionKeyResponse)service.Execute(request);

3) RetrieveDataEncryptionKeyRequest: This function helps retrieve encrypted key available in the organization.

RetrieveDataEncryptionKeyRequest request = new RetrieveDataEncryptionKeyRequest();

RetrieveDataEncryptionKeyResponse response = (RetrieveDataEncryptionKeyResponse)service.Execute(request);

string encryptedKey = response.EncryptionKey;

Please note that, you must use SSL when you use these messages. When you execute these messages, a check will ensure that the user’s client/server connectivity is using the HTTPS protocol. If not, an exception is returned if the requests are submitted without using HTTPS.

Sourced From: Inogic

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Categories: 2013, Encryption Tags:

MSCRM 2013 White Papers & Technical Documentation

August 18th, 2014 DynamicsMSCRM Comments off
Categories: Uncategorized Tags: