
Archive for April, 2016

ClickDimensions and CRM’s aggregate query limit

April 13th, 2016 DynamicsMSCRM No comments

CRM won’t allow you to send to a dynamic marketing list over 50,000 records. If you are CRM on prem, you can change this default number (called aggregate query limit). If you are CRM online you will need to break the sends down to lists of 50K or less.

To increase the limit, you’ll need to modify:
Table: Deployment Properties
Column: AggregateQueryRecordLimit

To query the current value:


SELECT ColumnName
, IntColumn
FROM DeploymentProperties
WHERE ColumnName = “AggregateQueryRecordLimit”

To modify the value:

UPDATE DeploymentProperties
SET IntColumn = 250000 (suggested setting)
WHERE ColumnName = “AggregateQueryRecordLimit”

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New-AzureSBNamespace : ForbiddenError: The server failed to authenticate the request

April 13th, 2016 DynamicsMSCRM No comments

If you receive the following error below then your Azure user does not have Administrator permissions. Azure has been changing permissions, formally every users basically had admin rights however that is not the case any longer. If you are unable to add a Namespace then most likely your Azure user does not have permissions. The user will now need Administrator privileges to add a Namespace. If you have a specific Azure user that you are using for the Namespace and Queues then you will need to login to Azure with an Administrator, browse to the Service Bus area, go to Settings and then add the specific user to the Admins. Once complete you will be able to add the Namespace

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Categories: Azure, ClickDimensions, Uncategorized Tags:

add-azureaccount : The given key was not present in the dictionary

April 13th, 2016 DynamicsMSCRM No comments

To resolve this error the Azure Powershell instance must be October, if they have the December version it will fail. You can see the version by going to Programs and Features. They will need to uninstall the December version and install the October version, an installation overwrite will not work.

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Categories: Azure, ClickDimensions, Uncategorized Tags: