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ClickDimensions and CRM’s aggregate query limit

April 13th, 2016 DynamicsMSCRM

CRM won’t allow you to send to a dynamic marketing list over 50,000 records. If you are CRM on prem, you can change this default number (called aggregate query limit). If you are CRM online you will need to break the sends down to lists of 50K or less.

To increase the limit, you’ll need to modify:
Table: Deployment Properties
Column: AggregateQueryRecordLimit

To query the current value:


SELECT ColumnName
, IntColumn
FROM DeploymentProperties
WHERE ColumnName = “AggregateQueryRecordLimit”

To modify the value:

UPDATE DeploymentProperties
SET IntColumn = 250000 (suggested setting)
WHERE ColumnName = “AggregateQueryRecordLimit”

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